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YThursday, December 25, 2008

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah~~~ I hope that everyone enjoyed their day.haha

I went to my aunt's house for gathering just now, along with my dog.haha
Had lunch which was catered.But when I went there the food was almost finished liao.
Because many people was there.

Then I chatted with my cousins.
Then my dog kept eating the ham.LOL((:
Ya...and then I wanted to go out with Joscelin but she's not feeling well...so didnt went out le...: (
So we headed home after lunch.(:

Tmr there will be band...full day!!!!! I hope i won't be worn out!!!haha
Wa and my memory....sigh...Sometimes I would just press wrong key then the sound is like.....ahem.
I hope we will get more recruits next year!!!!!!!so desperate for juniors lah.
Pray that the juniors will be good...*SIGH*

I don't hope that my seniors will be disappointed le.The same type of feelings I've gotten.........
I really hope the current juniors will be more hardworking.then I don't have to worry that much.

Ok lah.Still, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

See you soon.

{ love had made me blind- }

YMonday, November 17, 2008

Hey hey hey...I'm back from leadership training camp 2008.
Generally , it was great! FUN!

Prep day 1, I didn't went.Because there was OBOG prac.Can't miss.
And if i went prac and at night go there, it will not be good.
So I went on prep day2 on Dad's car and brought Jenina there too.

On prep day2. Yup, Dad brought us there.
Then, everyone was in the multi purpose hall playing games and all.
We also joined in the fun after that.They told me that I was almost being remained in bronze badge.Sad. But is my group's councillors whom helped me reminded them.Lucky.
I was being put in the Self-Discipline group.There was See Sia, Elleen,Nicola,Nanthini,
Hairi and Azreen. Cool right!I was grouped with so many councillors!

Then we did outdoor cooking... Maggi mee of course...haha.we enjoyed the fun.But it's dangerous
because the tin and the gas stove wasn't that stable unless we risked if we kept holding on to the metal handle.LOL.Slept in the hall.Very freezing.

Day1 of LTC. We woke up early to prepare everything.
Then all watch a movie abt Viet war, while waiting for the leaders to come.

Finish watching the show, and leaders came.It was raining, so cancelled plan to make them walk
to the JBAC. Councillors was like busy making the name tags and all.haha
The leaders who are in my group are: Nila, Hira, Jovell, Iskanda, Vikram and Erwin.
Then we playedsome ice breaker games...but still, leaders were quite cold.lol
After lunch, we played tug-of-war in the field and PUSHBALL!!!!!!FUN! FUN! FUN!

The leaders lose to us, so eventually they all have to row in mud.Then we also join in.haha.
My group got to cook the whole campers' lunch and dinner.It was hard work, so we helped them.
I had to go around to ask the quantity of people in every group.And finally some leaders laughed when they saw my name tag written 'I am so smart'.hahahahaha.
We cooked maggi mee again and fried rice at night.food was not enough.Councillors sacrificed.

Then, we prepared for the walk at Lim Chu Kang cemetary.
Elleen, Nanthini and I was at the starting point , where the leaders are supposed to be disbatched.Most leaders weren't scared.Then i hold the walkie talkie to coorperate with station masters.Cool.lol
Next was the 8km endurance run.We tried our best to encourage leaders to keep going.
And we made it again!Haha.
Lights out at about 4am and have to wake up at aroung 8am.lol

Organised games like the amazing race.Elleen and I was stationed at like the road side lah!!!
So many damn mosquitos.I am skilled with killing of mosquitos le.haha
Don't know what had cropped up in one of the stations.Then we waited so long lah, except that the mosquitos entertained us.
They have to touch frogs lah.haha.But in the end, everything stopped.Then can't get to hay dairy farm.Sad huh...

Wait...Tmr I will blog more about other days!!!
Because bro using comp. haha

Must see again ok.

{ love had made me blind- }

YSaturday, November 1, 2008


A little update here.
Last Fri 24 oct, went out wif Tina, Tessa, Nicola and Sharon to Amk hub to watch High School Musical 3. We sound abit "kia su" right?haha.Because we went to watch on the day when it
is first shown.haha
High school Musical 3 was nice.Curious?Watch it in the Cinemas.haha

Hmm, I'd went jogging for the past few weeks (Inconsistently), not everyday lah.

For the whole week, sec 3s have been going for bridging...
It's like normal lesson...just that we could wake up a little later but the duration was long too.

On Friday, we have bridging too, and it had clashed with band.But bridging is compulsory so went for the lessons...

During break, I went to band room to "check" on my members if they could play.
As far as I concern, my particular junior was not really abiding by the rules. And the other junior told me that the BM had scolded her. So much that I hope my juniors can be more obedient...
Something that also makes me super super concern is that the attendance..
If she doesn't come for practice, how is she gonna improve?*sigh~~~~~~~~~~

How to let my juniors understand my worries for them?
When will they understand?
I do not wish that they will regret.I want them to be better.seriously.
But look at their attitude...

How to help?

I really hope that my seniors can help me out...
But the fact that they have already graduated and graduating, really makes me
feel helpless.

Many ppl will tell me that those problems are just small matters.
But really makes me feel tired!
Already have so much stuffs to do.I still have some trouble to resolve.
When can I get over with the problems?

Tomorrow, there is band.
Count down 2 days to my O lvl Cl.WooHOO~~~I must score well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see ya(:

{ love had made me blind- }

YFriday, October 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to ME~~~~
Happy birthday to me.

Happy birthday to me 17 october 2008.
Yeah I'm 15 years old le.hehe
Thank you for your presents ZhongYi, Stephanie, ShiNing, Christabel, Amabelle, Nicola, Jolie and Huiyu.
ZhongYi gave me a key chain with my name onit.SWEET!

Stephanie gave me a plastic bag which contains a paperbag of her"monkey food" and a nice card and her notes.Well, the notes are helpful.REALLY.

Other6 of the above mentioned made a mini ferris wheel for me.SO TOUCHING LAH!
They spent three hours to make it ok.
Damn nice!!!!!!!!!!!

Most of all must thank Tina and Tessa.
They made an album of photos on a notebook which was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo heartwarming ok.
And they gave something that I wanted and I almost bought that ok.

They decorated until soooooooo nice lah and a card for me.hehe
Then Tina write another personal card also very very very touching.hehe

Went out with Tessa after school again and ate SHARK'SFIN AGAIN...and SUSHI. haha
She tricked me to the toilet and she ran out herself to buy me a cake with an unlighted candle and so I made wishes like that...haha
I didn't expect that to happen so I was damn suprised.The cupcake was awesomely YUMMY.

Then walked walked around.haha........
Went back tpc buy MAC.Tina then came andmore fun thigs happen after that.HEAR IT YA!

(sorry Tina and Tessa and the following is gonna paiseh you all(: hehe)
Tessa was sending a msg to Tina to celebrate my birthday because I no one's celebrating.lol.
but she accidentally send it to me.She told me not to see the msg tat she sent so went toilet AGAIN........
Yup then looked at hp and saw the msg.I went out and saw them at the cake shop.lol
I stood behind them and shouted"once bitten twice shy".They was shocked by me.hahaha

We went to celebrate at the stairs and with the TIRAMISU CAKE!!!YUMMY.With the lighted candle this time haha.The twins were damn noisy lah.One siao and loud, the other kept taking video(actually I ask her to take some of it too.haha) and was loud too.lol.

Suprises alot from the twins lor.

And even the msgs by some of my friends...so funny lor.hehe

Thank you all for making me so happy (:

You really had forgotten about my birthday...

{ love had made me blind- }

YThursday, October 16, 2008

He will forget about my birthday.

{ love had made me blind- }

YMonday, October 13, 2008

Hellos again.
Guess that everyone is busy this few days.Don't know why...

There isn't school today, and yesterday and the day before yesterday too.
but everyone seems to be busy on the schedule, I guess.

Well, yesterday brought my little darling...go walk walk.hehe

Guess what. One male canin was walking with its owner and was attracted to mine little darling.
Geez...It was whining,not in pain but in vein.
I guess that it was desperate to see my little darling.
What!!!Aren't you interested in my little darling, are you? what a naughty boy.Sigh.
Then the owner (an uncle) was holding on to his dog[I think it's a labrador].
And his dog was struggling to get near my little darling

My little darling was so shy lah!!!hahahahahahahaha
Finally, the male canin got quite near and the pitch of its whining was damn ear-piercing, ok.
That dog sniffed my little darling and vice versa.But my little darling came to me and stood up,
as if she wants me for hugs.

Then that dog didn't want to go off. Kept looking at my little darling.
Yup, and finally the owner pulled the dog away.haha

Then about 30 mins we went back,
And went to watch my television shows.HAHAHA.

Don't think it's too disgusting to keep saying 'little darling' hor.Hahas.

Returning to school again tomorrow...
Getting back resultsARGHHHHHHH!!!!!
Very anxious man.*panic

GRR.That's all
see ya

{ love had made me blind- }

YSaturday, October 11, 2008

hahas.Exams' over but still kind of nervous and stressed. Because I am worried about my results.Sigh...I want to be promoted!!!

Well, I did study lah.But... Nevermind...Don't wanna say.*ahem

Yesterday, after we finish our exam,everyone shout out loudly. something like 'Yay!'
or 'finish liao!!!woohoo'. you know like always.haha

After we left the classroom, Tina and Tessa actually wanted to go Ikea...
I really don't know why...lol. Then I wanted to go home 'party' by myself.
But really, it's kind of nothing to do de lor. So I told them I going to Central's Old Chang Kee buy some food. After hearing, they wanted to come too...haha.

Know how we spend the time yesterday??
This was what we did...
First we went to old chang kee to buy the SOTONG ONSTICK...haha
then went NTUC to buy some delicious sushi...MM HMM.(want to eat too?go buy it yourself lah).Then ate at the stairs happily(: with a cup of BUBBLE TEA each!
Damn embarrassing lah!!! sat with the two mad women.haha.Can't tell you what had happen,
or else I'll get it from them...*sobs*

Ok here's something random.In front of us, was two men.one is a male cleaner and another man.
Sitting at the same column of stairs.Know what was they doing?EMO-ING...
Between them was a big pillar and they did not know they were both sad (or tired).
Coincident right?
Actually this is really very random lor.haha.sorry.ok next haven't finish yet.

Tessa then mentioned about sharkfin soup, because we also bought that and drank it at stairs there. I was so tempted ok. So we went to Bishan for our next scrumptous "feast'.lol.
went Bishan, seen all the toys and nice clothes, until our legs were soring.haha

Oh , when Tina and Tessa was looking at the design of the handphone's wallpaper or sth, one lady stood behind us. I wasn't into the stuffs so I looked back.
It was Mdm Rozainah standing behind us.haha
I didn't tell them until Mdm Rozainah said 'very nice'.Then they looked back and recognised that it was her lor.

Kept on bumping into Mdm Rozainah who was with her husband.
Then the twins purposely went to near her and we joked we her.

Finally we went for our shark's fin soup.and bought some sweets.
Kept eating and eating.That is how we "grow fatter"...geez.

Then we went to buy sushi again...
i was damn full ok.

Then 8pm we board our bus back with our comfortable legs!lol
yup that was how crazy we were...

That's that.
see ya(:

{ love had made me blind- }

YMonday, August 4, 2008

Hellos!!!long time didnt post.haha.
Gosh!!!past few days i have some allergies on my skin!!!
Called what "feng mo" in chinese.ITCH ITCH ITCH!!!
the whole day.Scratching lyk crazy.
Friday straight after school rushed to the nearby clinic.
Had a jab.the spots on almost all over my body subsided.
It's damn amazing.Once the doctor gave me the injection, i dun feel as much itch and
redness on my skin become blender.Happy!!!but still must take in medicine.which cost me more then 50 dollars.approximately 75 dollars.EXPENSIVE RIGHT!!!
At night, cant sleepin room, so sleep in living room...didnt really slept a wink...(er am i exaggerating??haha)wake up ard 6.40am.went to toilet.look at myself in the mirror.SHOCKS!!!
THE RED SPOTS' ON MY FACE.Damn scared man.
so went see doctor AGAIN early in the morning.
Well,I'd got another jab...AGAIN!!!
so this meant that I have both injections on each side of my...butt...oops...haha
allergy subsided.

This medical fees for both days costs me abt $107...i guess.not kidding.
then I went to see chinese doctor to consult abt my conditions.
cant get cold...so must keep on wear my jacket...or jackets!Haha.
know what...I even wore my jacket on a hot sunny afternoon.or shld I say afternoons.
so must becareful of my health.Gosh.
had my health in control.BUT small spots kept conming out...haiz.
My vision and my hearing abit not clear.........
forgive me kaes.
very scared cos dunno what happened to my vision.HAIZ...

I hope that I can faster recover from my allergies.

ooh em hope to blog more.if i have time.And common test coming.study hard kaes.JIA YOU!!!(:

Ok, I going to have my lunch le...
oh and happy birthday Jann...if u noe im referring to u.hahas.
didnt see u this morning.Guess tat u skip school today. So didnt tell u today.haiz.

ok...really im hungry le...after listening to the speeches that my friends had introduced.
what hainanese chicken rice lah, rojak arh, nice fragrant Laksa, mee rebus, cha kway teow...and many many more...OH I'm making myself more hungry le lah.

see ya(:

{ love had made me blind- }

YMonday, July 14, 2008

Hellos again (:

Gosh long days have finally come to much more relaxed days...I hope
hahas...Last two days was quite crucial and tensed.
Cos on Saturday,it was the 3E unseen debate competition...
and we were against the NAVAL BASE SECONDARY!!!
well...we'd kind of lost.................................
BUT we have WON in our hearts!
I dun wish to tok abt it verbally,but I acknowledge that we have done our best.
most of all thank u sec4 seniors and Ms Ang for training us and all!!! (:
we were damn nervous!
and when we heard the results, disappointment........

Of course must get over with those feelings...
went back school.took out our nice blazers, stockings,court shoes,ties...
me and tessa was lyk venting anger on....haha secret...
Tessa,"act 4, jumping for joy!wahaha~arghhhh~!!!"

so after that went to practice in band.
my juniors was lyk quarreling and i asked Joseph y they lyk tat...
haha...he pretended he dunno anything.

saw my dearest senior trumpeters...
combined wif OBOG...Mr Lim scolded me or rather asked me to play louder.
I felt so stupid for myself....
so scolded myself being so not good enough, in my mind...

An Chun see me lyk not lyk tat me always who is sad looking...
then ask y i so emo...i said 'nth...'
he after awhile asked again...shook my head...
sad over a little imperfection in practice...that's why...
now noe why le hor, anchun...haha
thanks for caring abt me seniors......thank u all really.

On Sunday,the day of 2nd NBC.
Everyone nervous...haha

morning wake up early to find camera to take photo wif trumpeters de...
late for lunch wif zhong yi and welson and tessa.
went band rm and changed to the attire for competition.
OBOG seniors soon arrived.warmed up,
play through American Salute and Celebration.

We arrived at Victoria concert hall and played abit outside.
went in tuning room and got in tuned.
Then played...heart thumped hard.
Finally finished playing.Dunno wat to say when we came out.
Mr Lim was lyk good job good job to everyone...

Then photo taking alot.haha
tat section rep hor said wif arms opened wide'lai gei qi gou peh bao.'which meant maniac hug u.
scare me lah.pushed him away wif trumpet.then he want show shimin...haha
when leaving, the section rep go announced that i gave them the gifts-Toblerone and ferrero rocher.they all shouted thank u until so high.
they all come and hug me!!!haha
Finally,trumpet section took section photos,happily!(:love trunpet seniors lots!(;
good memories...(:
tired day.slept on the school bus.
fall in when we are so tired.haha
after tat went to have dinner wif tessa, jeralyn, christabel, shining and mickey.
on the way to KFC, mickey received phone call and told us tat we got GOLD !!!
wa!so happy.

eat happily.joked happily...hor Jeralyn...*ahem~WAHAHA
went home happily too.haha
sent some thank u msg to OBOG trumpet seniors.
they oso sent back heart-warming msg.happy!(:

see ya again...i didnt tok too much rite...??haha

{ love had made me blind- }

YFriday, July 4, 2008

Hey ya!...haha...
seen a lot of ppl tagged me but i didnt reply. sorry...
AND...can stop discussing abt the size of my foot! IRRITATING!!!!!!!!

ok.sorry for not blogging for so long...haha
and em...neglecting my very own TRUMPETERS' blog.
really no time to use comp...busy

Well,today i had my O level chinese oral...
super super de Nervous.....
It was held in the hall...and the hall was exceptionally quiet ...unlike the usual hall with ppl hu are always noisy.airconditioning was on too.Which made the atmosphere scarier.

Thee first one ready for oral was Liao Wei.Guess he was nervous too...
Second person was Shan Hui,Third person was Qian Ting,and followed by me.
when I went up for the 5 min reading,my friends was lyk...'jia you,DanFeng'...
Nervous lyk wat lah.

Went up to the two examiners. Greeted them. And sat down.
finished up the short passage and felt disappointed. dun ask...
next was the conversation with examiners...They asked the questions which I was lyk ...'ok...'.
But luckily did not sae wrongly.I HOPE.
finished and thanked the examiners and walked out,feeling not as good as i expected.

The other friends ,who had oral before me, and I was lyk waiting in the first classroom outside hall.Until 3pm,we were then released...
my friends,even those pro in chinese eg china friends,said that it was damn difficult.
came out, Tessa and Tina fetched me .went to canteen and ate and drink

ok lah see ya.


{ love had made me blind- }



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name: Dan Feng
DOB: 17october1993
school: first toa payoh secondary school


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